Master ONE high-income skill.
Become a Remote Closer.

We escaped our 9-5s and built a $10,000+ per month income stream by tapping into this emerging $325 billion dollar online market with nothing but a laptop, an internet connection, and the right high ticket closing skills.
Now we help others do the same so that they can upgrade their lifestyle with financial security, location freedom and time flexibility.

Welcome to Remote Leaders

“We started from zero and became closers. Then we upgraded into higher roles with in the company we were working with.

We’ve trained dozens of people in the area of remote sales allowing them to leave their 9-5 and step full-time into the online space through remote sales

Together we are responsible for 7 figures/year in high ticket sales through remote sales

And we’ve been able to leave our 9-5’s, achieve location freedom, secure our financial situation and get to have full control over our time and schedule”

Our programs

Everything we do is all customised. We are specialise in mentorship & 1 on 1 hands on coaching. We are committed to our members results and experience and that’s only possible with a very intimate, one-on-one & personal interaction.

“What is remote closing?
This new online profession will be a $325 billion dollar industry by 2025.
In this free training you’ll learn the only 3 steps required to generate $10k per month working from home.” 

Useful links


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